In honor of Valentine’s Day this week, I’ve been reflecting on love and the many ways it can show up in our lives.
For several years before my husband and I came together, I tended to feel a bit adrift on Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t easy seeing all the declarations of love between significant others when I didn’t have anyone special to share that connection with (and let’s get real – we don’t need a day to remind us to celebrate love, but I digress).
It was around that time that I started traveling on my own. I finally got tired of waiting for someone else to show up to justify traveling to all the amazing countries I wanted to see. I had no idea how long I’d be waiting so I went by myself.
That was one of the best decisions I ever made. As I got on with enjoying my life, just as it was, I was no longer focused on what was missing. I was no longer in a place of lack. I already had what I was looking for. I became aware of how much love I already had in my life.
Love comes in many forms. Be it from a significant other, friends, children, family (and let’s not forget our pets!), music that moves us, being out in nature, a personal achievement or experience, or the people we come into random contact with throughout our days, there are a multitude of ways that love can be present. The trick is being present ourselves to receive it.

This is a love letter to the relationships that nourish us.
To the people in our lives who fully see us, in all our messy, imperfect, beautiful being’ness.
To those who allow us to be exactly who we are.
Who don’t try to change, fix, or judge us.
Who welcome us to show up as we are and who meet us there.
To the people who have a kind word or genuine smile for us at just the right moment.
Who support us to remain humble, and celebrate us in our strength.
To the extra special people who lovingly call us on our bullshit.
The people who come into our lives, however briefly, to reflect a part of ourselves we weren’t previously aware of.
Who spark something in us that excites or agitates us out of complacency.
Who make us laugh uncontrollably, and who comfort us through our tears.
For the friends who have their own shit to deal with and will drop it all if shit hits the fan for us.
To the breath of fresh air that is a different perspective when we need it.
To those who can communicate with one look that they totally get us.
The people who read us so well and let us catch up to their awareness in our own sweet time.
To the kids (and the pets!) who think we are the most amazing people in the world.
To the ones who show up consistently for us, even if they don’t know how to offer support in the moment.
To those who see us better than we see ourselves.
To all the many ways those we care about show up and nourish us by being in our lives,
Thank you!
❤️ My wish is that we all find our way to being this nourishing, special person for ourselves too ❤️
P.S. Thank you to the clients who SHOW UP to this work so openly and honestly. You make my job such a privilege and a pleasure.