Welcome to Leadership Alchemy: The Program

Welcome to Leadership Alchemy: The Program 

This one-of-a-kind program will support you to embody the full expression of your leadership potential in a tangible, practical (and life-changing!) way.

are you ready to unlock your leadership POTENTIAL?

Are you feeling the call?

Bringing together more than two decades of work in leadership and game-changing insights from the intuitive sciences (yes, it’s a thing!), you’ll be introduced to your own Intuitive Intelligence® so you can activate it in your leadership. 

At this intersection of leadership and intuition, our Leadership Alchemy awaits. It is from here that we lead from a deeply rooted and aligned place, for the greater good. Not from ego, fear, or in reaction to the times. It's about how we lead from our center, bringing all of who we are into how we show up in the world.

Leadership Alchemy is an acknowledgment of all the gifts we already bring to our work. It is this alignment with our innate wisdom that catapults us to another level of our leadership expression, one that is uniquely ours to share with the world.

One that is needed in the world today.

Are you already feeling the call? Perhaps you’re not sure how to act on it or uncertain about where to begin.

This program is the key to unlocking that knowledge and helping you put it into action.

Designed For The Leader Who:

  • Is at a crossroads, frustrated with hustle culture, on the verge of burnout, but determined to make a meaningful impact through their work.
  • Is ready to expand beyond their fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs to develop a deep relationship with their intuitive wisdom, bringing all of who they are into their service.
  • Has a desire to create sustainable, meaningful, and transformational change in their sector and the community they serve.
  • Can see where the current paradigm of leadership is taking us and intuitively knows it needs to be transformed to better serve humanity.
  • Is seeking sustainable change that privileges the greater good over the individual; that honors the interconnection between us versus the illusion of separation that our ego keeps us confined to.

We never do this work for ourselves alone. As we unlock and activate our Leadership Alchemy, we become the demonstration for others to follow...and transform the way we lead. 

but let's be real.

Doing This Work Alone Can Be Isolating.

If you feel the call to go deeper with your work but are struggling to figure out where or how to begin, we've got you.

So many of us experience that dynamic tension between feeling called to level up and worrying about what achieving our next level of leadership will mean, especially when we're already spread so thin.

But there is a better way forward.
An embodied way of showing up to live and lead, with our innate wisdom guiding us.

What if you didn't have to do this work alone? What if you had a community of like-hearted leaders to learn and expand your capacity with? 


Leadership Alchemy:
The Program

This immersive, 6-week, training program, is a game-changer, supporting you to unlock and activate the full expression of your leadership potential in real-time.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn in an intimate community and integrate cutting-edge, evidence-based, tools with support. All in service to uncovering your authentic Leadership Alchemy, that is uniquely yours to share with the world. You will be guided from self-doubt into deep, intuitive trust. From confusion to clarity. Energy and resource depletion to expansion.

As we come into alignment with our alchemy, the universe responds. Synchronicities begin to occur everywhere. The breadcrumbs we’ve been looking for become less subtle. The path to our next steps becomes evident before us.

Are we speaking your (soul) language?

join the waitlist

With this program...

You Will:

+ Learn how to tap into your inherent wisdom, while alchemizing all the incredible skills and expertise you have worked so hard to cultivate in your leadership.  

+ Identify and expand beyond the limits of your conscious, analytical mind, your subconscious fears and doubts, and the limiting beliefs you’ve taken on from someone or something outside of you.

+ Be equally challenged and supported to bring your unique leadership alchemy into the world.

+ Begin to embody the full expression of yourself and your leadership, one that is limitless and expansive, congruent and energizing, authentic and powerful.

+ Live and lead from a place of genuine, rooted confidence, becoming the demonstration for what is possible for others to embody.

+ Learn to cultivate the space and devotional practices that bring you home to your center when life becomes overwhelming and frenetic again (as it will). 

+ Begin to heal yourself. You will shed the old patterns, old beliefs, and expectations that were never your own as you step more fully into all of who you are.  

want something like that? 

join the waitlist


Start by getting on the waitlist so you don’t miss any details with our twice-annual launches.


Prior to launching each cohort, you'll be invited to a discovery call to meet us and learn more.


As the engagement begins, you start on the path to unlocking your unique Leadership Alchemy!


Follow along and stay up to date on all the things we're creating for you.
