Personal Development

Flowing Into Fall

September 19, 2024

I’m Sonja.
Leadership Specialist and Creator of The Expansion Practice. Also a travel enthusiast, dog lover, fanatic for all the books (on all the subjects), and an advocate for intuition.

It’s so good to be back. I know it’s been a minute since I was last here.

I took an intentional break from the digital world and enjoyed more time offline this summer. I wanted to be less focused on the world of digital content and more present for what was in front of me IRL (that’s in real life for my mom).

This summer was all about connecting and it was the change I needed.

I joined a really special co-working space in my city for professional businesswomen. At the same time, I had several new clients come on board who’ve been inspiring me with the vision they hold for a new chapter of their lives and leadership. I traveled to the UK to spend time with one of my soul sisters before heading to Glastonbury, Somerset, UK, for a sacred retreat experience like no other. And I spent this past weekend away with my sisters from different misters laughing more than I have in a very long time.

I almost talked myself out of each of these experiences. I had good reasons why not moving forward made sense. Ultimately, I followed my intuition instead and each time I said yes and took the step forward, ease and flow followed.

Following our intuition creates expansion. Ignoring it keeps us stuck.

My summer of reconnecting has reminded me how nourishing, energizing, and catalyzing it is to be around like-minded and like-hearted people. I didn’t realize how much I had been missing this until I followed my inner voice and took the steps I was being nudged to.

Being offline this summer felt very aligned for me. I’m back with a full tank of gas and ready to root into all this season has to offer, and I want to share that experience with you.

As summer officially comes to a close here in the northern hemisphere, we enter fall – the season of change and transformation – and my FAVORITE time of the year!

I don’t just love sweater weather (but I do love it…a lot); I also love the shift in energy that September brings. I’m talking about the shift in focus to reconnect with ourselves & our needs, and making them an intentional priority. 

As we flow into fall, what needs have been trying to get your attention? What has your intuition been attempting to nudge you towards?

  • Are you ready for a new chapter in your career but not sure where or how to begin?
  • Or maybe you’ve begun down that path of exploration only to feel more doubt and confusion than when you started.
  • Maybe you know there are changes to be made in an area of your life, but you don’t have the energy or the capacity to put them in place.

If you’re feeling stuck at the crossroads of “I know I want something to change” and “I have no idea where to begin”, you are not alone. Been there 🙋🏻‍♀️

In my experience, change is both exciting and scary, especially when we’re leveling up. We’re moving out of our comfort zone, after all. We can get excited about the vision but get stuck on the actions to take. To be successful in our efforts, we don’t just need a clear vision and the right steps to take. We also have to address our nervous system, the most overlooked aspect of change but the #1 reason our efforts can fail.

Anytime we expand beyond our comfort zone, we want to be sure we’re resourcing ourselves appropriately, ensuring enough internal safety is in place to support our growth. If our nervous system doesn’t feel safe as we are making changes in our lives, we can get stuck in fight, flight, or freeze states, all of which will thwart our efforts. And we’ve all been here.

That’s why I’m excited to be launching an 8-week group coaching program, Getting Unstuck: A Nervous System Approach to Creating Next Level Change, starting on October 8th.

If you have a larger vision for your life and leadership, don’t know where to begin, and want to be held in a supportive community while you chart your path forward, this program is designed for you.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  • How to create sustainable change through nervous system safety practices,
  • How to receive and deepen your relationship with intuition – your internal guidance system (which, by the way, is only available to us when we have a regulated nervous system),
  • Clarifying your vision for this new season of your life,
  • Tools for transformation to work through limiting beliefs, self-doubts, and fears as they arise (and they will),
  • Taking it forward with a 90-Day Aligned Action Plan.

Having a clear vision for the change we want to create is critical. Taking action on that vision is essential because doubt dissolves in action

Are you ready to take action?

To register your interest, join the waitlist and I’ll be back in touch with more details next week.

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